Eu4 extended timeline wiki famine
Eu4 extended timeline wiki famine

With Fernando VI not trusting him with ruling Navarra, he is passed up. The suggestion of giving it to the closest living relative of Juan II of Navarra is soon dropped, as the closest relative would be Luis VI de Beaumont, the Count of Lerín, who just had his lands in Navarra given back. After the signing of the treaty, Fernando VI and Garcia II start to decide what to do with Navarra. Meanwhile, Alfonso, Prince of Cantabria's marriage is arranged to Ana de Borja, youngest daughter of Francesco, under other terms of the treaty. Thus, for a short period of time, Garcia II is also Garcia VII of Navarra. Meanwhile, Navarra is also dissociated from Aragon, and given to Garcia II temporarily, to avoid an interregnum. Meanwhile in the negotiations, it is established that Francesco will keep his throne, as long as he pledges vassalage to the King of Portugal, as Garcia II and Fernando VI want to avoid deposing him and probably face another revolt, as he is, or was popular on his country having not much of other choice. Taoism in 幽谷 (Kasodani) continues to rise in popularity and more Taoist temples are built. Also, 幽谷 (Kasodani) expands by 1500 sq km, 東海道 (Tōkaidō) expands by 1500 sq km, 屠自古 (Tojiko) expands by 900 sq km. Meanwhile, 沖縄國 (Okinawa Kingdom) builds up its military. The Mononobe Shogunate builds up the military and continues to expand more into 霊烏路 (Reiuzi) (Kamchatka) by 4950 sq km.Sure it's a bit of cheating, but I'm playing this to have fun, not get royally pissed every time a plague wipes England back to the stone age. Then I went back and threw a modifier that increases the mean time to happen by 10% at 16 tech. Personally, I felt the chance of famine, drought, and plague were a little too high, so I bumped the numbers up a bit so plague triggers at 18 development or 5-5-5 development, and famine and drought triggers at 15 development or 4-4-4 development. Alternatively, the event is less likely to happen when you hit 26 and 36 admin, so you can probably increase your development to 14 and still have a relatively long time before a famine or drought happens, or 19 if you're just avoiding the plague, but if you happen to have several provinces next to each other with higher than 15 development, then you increase your chances of a string of plague events significantly. So, to avoid the events, keep your provinces to a development of 8 to avoid drought and famine and 14 to avoid plague. Plague, famine, and drought will all trigger faster if development is higher than 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 for plague, and 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 for famine and drought. Plague will trigger ten times faster for each province next it with the plague event. For droughts and famines, it's a development base at or higher than 3-3-3. Having provinces with development at or higher than 15 development or 4-4-4 base development can trigger plague if your admin tech level is less than 46.

eu4 extended timeline wiki famine

Probably too late, but here's what I found. If you want stricter quality control, go to /r/ParadoxPlaza For information on topics that are temporarily banned, please view our rules page.Ĭontent that breaks the spirit of these rules may be removed at moderator discretion. We may occasionally ban specific topics that have flooded the subreddit. Users may only make one self-promotional submission per week. Explanations should be posted as a reddit comment - referencing the title is not enough.Īll giveaways, surveys, and petitions must be approved by the moderators first. General discussion of piracy or leaked content is allowed.Īdhere to the Reddit content policy and the reddiquette.Įxplain what you want people to look at when you post an image. No links to pirated materials, pirated game mods, or key resellers. No memes, image macros, reaction pictures, or similar. Just the title of the post being relevant does not qualify. Posts must be related to Europa Universalis. Hover over any of the boxes below to view relevant information Rules It is a general subreddit for the Grand Strategy Game from Paradox Interactive: Europa Universalis 4.

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